Yeled v’Yalda’s broad array of social services are fundamentally designed to foster the inclusion of all community members, regardless of individual ability. We value each member of our broad community, and design our services to allow all individuals to participate to their full capacity. To fulfill this goal, Yeled v’Yalda offers Community Habilitation (Com-Hab) services through the OPWDD (Office for People With Developmental Disabilities). Yeled v’Yalda’s OPWDD services support the “Acquisition,” “Maintenance,” and “Enhancement” of skills that are necessary in home, work, and community settings. Our services focus on a wide range of vital targets, including ADL (Activities of Daily Living) skills, IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living) skills, and a range of essential health-related tasks. Our program includes adaptive and behavioral skills development; community inclusion and relationship-building goals; travel-training, money management, and leisure skills development; educational, classroom, and work-place supports; and the fostering of social skills, self-advocacy, and informed choice-making.


“Acquisition” refers to an individual’s achievement of greater independence by learning the skills required to perform essential and necessary tasks for themselves.  At Yeled v’Yalda, we strive to support our clients in learning to acquire the skills necessary to perform their individual goals in a timely and effective manner.

“Maintenance” is the process through which skills continue to be reinforced and worked upon, in order to prevent regression in an individual’s skill level, so that their ability to accomplish their achieved goals continues to develop and remain strong.

“Enhancement” activities are another crucial component of Yeled v’Yalda’s process, and are provided to individuals both through training and direct example.  Enhancement goals promote increased growth and independence within an already acquired skill, to support the development and generalization of individual goals outside of the training environment.

ADL (Activities of Daily Living), IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living), and skill acquisition, maintenance, and enhancement goals are provided in-person on an individual or group basis, and are personalized and outlined on the individual’s POC documentation.  These goals and services are used to maximize personal independence and integration into the community, optimize and preserve personal functioning, and prevent the need for future institutional placement.  Skill acquisition, maintenance, and enhancement services are appropriate for all individuals who have the capacity to learn to live in the community, both with or without support.

Yeled v’Yalda’s committed team of professionals measure progress on a regular basis through program review, team consultations, and by assessment and modification when necessary.  Program growth and development involves consumers, families, and professionals, and is based upon modifications stemming from ongoing consideration and review.  Individuals and families work directly with Yeled v’Yalda’s experienced service coordinators to assess needs, set goals, and evaluate progress during their visits with the family.  Yeled v’Yalda assigns Com-Hab workers to assist individuals with integration into life at home, the community, and other relevant settings.


Adaptive behavior skills include daily, real-life abilities such as grooming, getting dressed, maintaining a clean environment, avoiding danger, safe food preparation, and managing money. Adaptive behaviors also include the ability to work, practice social skills, follow rules in school and other necessary environments, and take personal responsibility. Yeled v’Yalda’s skilled and dedicated staff work on supporting progressive improvement in these areas, in order to assist individuals with special needs in developing responsibility and pride in themselves and in their lives.

Community inclusion refers to an individual’s ability to participate as a contributing member of their community, while being valued for their abilities and uniqueness, regardless of disability. The ultimate goal of Yeled v’Yalda’s community inclusion goal is for individuals with developmental disabilities to be able to participate in a range of capacities, in areas such as employment, housing, education, recreation and leisure, and civic engagement. Examples of inclusive environments are mainstream classrooms in which students with disabilities are educated along with their typically-developing peers, or employment environments in which adults with disabilities fully participate and are involved as engaged members of the group.

Travel training is short-term, comprehensive, and intensive instruction designed to teach individuals with disabilities how to travel safely and independently on public transportation. Individuals with visual impairments receive travel training from orientation and mobility specialists.

Individuals are trained to understand different forms and types of money, to ask for receipts and count change, and to manage and maintain debit and credit cards.

At Yeled v’Yalda, we value a balanced approach to achieving a happy and fulfilling lifestyle. We recognize the importance of developing leisure skills, which allow an individual to occupy themselves during their free time without depending solely upon the help and assistance of others. The development of healthy leisure skills allows individuals to independently choose pastimes that are of interest to them, and to engage in these activities during appropriate times. Examples include an array of healthy outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and fishing, canoeing and rafting, horseback riding and skiing, or other more local athletic activities such as using a gym or bike riding.

Yeled v’Yalda offers crucial learning support by assisting with classroom and workplace adjustments and accommodations, so that individuals with identified learning difficulties or disabilities can successfully achieve their learning goals. The learning support program is not designed to deal with everyday difficulties, but rather, with the challenges that are directly associated with learning as a student in a classroom, or as an apprentice in a job-related program.

Yeled v’Yalda works directly with individuals with disabilities to foster independence and build self-advocacy. Our dedicated staff promote these goals by addressing individual strengths and weaknesses, building awareness about learning and thinking differences, offering reminders to ask questions and request help, and providing praise and reinforcement which encourages efforts to interact and participate.


Yes.  Recommendations from family are strongly considered.  Our agency determines the appropriateness of the recommended candidate and places appropriate Com-Hab workers for each individual’s needs.

Individuals recommended to provide Com-Hab services require a high school diploma.  Yeled v’Yalda provides training in community habilitation services.

Yes.  Shopping is considered an activity of daily living (ADL).  Appropriate skills necessary for shopping will be taught by the Com-Hab worker as well.

Yeled v’Yalda is approved to provide Com-Hab services to individuals of all ages.